? ??????????????Holy Cow? ????? ?? ???Rating: 3.7 (3 Ratings)??27 Grabs Today. 312 Total Grabs. ??????Prev
iew?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????????????????Ruined Glory? ????? ?? ???Rating: 1.0 (1 Rating)??18 Grabs Today. 86 Total Grabs. ??????Preview?? | ??Get the Code?? ?? ?????Love in th BLOGGER TEMPLATES - TWITTER BACKGROUNDS ?

Friday, August 14, 2009

Yesterday I had an IUD inserted at Planned Parenthood. In the early morning hours before my appointment I browsed the internet trying to find information on the placement itself and how women experienced it as well as what happened in the later days and weeks. Needless to say, I scared the absolute hell out of myself and did not want to have the damn thing placed. To make matters worse, I had the beginnings of a migraine and pretty severe cramping, it made me want less and less to go in.
I didn't really have much of a choice though, my mother was adament about me getting the birth control and I knew that if we didn't go in she would be huffy and pissy all day. I have an eleven week old son, I don't need to deal with a forty year old baby, too.
In the waiting room of Planned Parenthood my heart was absolutely racing, my throat was tight and I felt as though I would throw up the second I tried to get up, let alone drink the gatorade I had brought to tide me over until we could get something to eat. When I was finally called back (more than fifteen minutes late) I could barely answer questions because my voice was so shaky and when I had to strip down and get on the table I thought I was going to faint. The adrenaline rush only got worse when the doctor came in and got everything ready to go. She answered all my questions and then we began the insertion procedure.
I experienced about forty over-all seconds of severe cramping when she inserted the sound (to measure the length of my uterus) and when she inserted the IUD. As soon as she removed all of the objects I was perfectly fine, no cramping at all, although I was pretty dizzy for a few minutes, probably the adrenaline. Since then I've had some heavier bleeding then I was having before and some more painful cramps but it's worth ot for five years of not having to worry about getting pregnant again. I don't need another little raggamuffin.

During all this, Derek was home with the baby so my mom and I decided to go get some shopping done (I only had ONE pair of underwear). We got our necessities and then hit the mall where I got some inconspicious, plastic tongue bars and we split some Chinese food. The Chinese was just short of not being very good at all. When we finally got home (about four hours after initially leaving) we returned home to find the baby asleep on Derek's chest and that we had somehow managed to lose the tongue bars (not a huge loss, they only cost $4 at Hot Topic, YAY SALES!).

Jude was exceptionally fussy yesterday, I'm pretty sure it's because he's cutting his very first teeth (in the back, of all places. I don't think that's normal). He cried a lot, which is unusual for him and the only way he would stop was if we took him outside to look at the trees and constantly bounced him. I'm a little worried that he'll be like that today, I have a migraine and just don't know how useful I'm going to be with a screamig baby. D: We had to schedule yet another appointment for Jude's reflux, despite his being on medicine for it and getting rice cereal in his bottles he's still spitting up and it seems like it's beginning to hurt his throat now. I've heard pretty terrible things about swallow studies for infants, but I guess if that's what it comes down to then we'll do whatever it takes to make sure Jude is okay. I don't want bacteria to grow in his lungs and compromise his system come winter. The last thing I need is for my baby to get seriously ill.

I've applied for a couple of jobs in hope that I'll have a way to socialize while I do online classes. Considering that Jude has come to associate Derek with being the caregiver and me as the play-person it should work out pretty well. I've applied for places close by, most of which I can get to on foot, if not by bus. If I get lucky one of these places will hire me, but I am a 16 year old mom with no previous work experience, it could take a little while or be a little hard. Oh well, I've got plenty of time and I love spending it with my family anyways.

It's kind of stupid but I can't wait until I can have another baby and watch him/her grow the way Jude is growing. I miss having a needy, little-bitty newborn to cuddle and whatnot, but I'm also pretty glad that Jude is a little more dependant and it's easier to figure out what he needs. I'm still very glad that I got the IUD and I'm especially glad that we can wait to plan more for our family. It's very important to me that I get my career underway before we have another baby.

Anyways, more late today!

Sarah Wears Pants